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Global Neuropsychology Congress 2024

Porto, Portugal on 3rd – 5th July 2024

To find out more, click here

The 21st NR-SIG-WFNR conference in Coimbra, Portugal will take place 30 June-1st July 2024.

NR-SIG-WFNR Conference

Coimbra, Portugal on 30 June – 1st July 2024


#NPsychPick of the Month: Strategies to help families and carers manage challenging behaviour in their person with traumatic brain injury

#NPsychPick of the Month: Efficacy of an Intensive Exposure Intervention for Individuals With Persistent Concussion Symptoms Following Concussion: A Concurrent Multiple Baseline Single-Case Experimental Design Study

#NPsychPick of the Month: 12 rehab mantras

#NPsychPick of the Month: Mood Tracker: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Self-Monitoring Intervention for Emotional Distress After Traumatic Brain Injury

#NPsychPick of the Month: Psychedelic-assisted Psychotherapy in 3-D: Acceptance, Connectedness, and Defensiveness: Neuropsychoanalysis: Vol 25, No 2.

#NPsychPick of the Month – Chasing the numinous: Hungry ghosts in the shadow of the psychedelic renaissance. Helge Michael Osterhold, Gisele Fernandes-Osterhold. Wiley Library August 2023.

#NPsychPick of the Month: Developing an understanding of the Frontal Lobe Paradox through clinical group discussions. Copstick, Sue Turnbull, Lorraine Bobbie Tibbles, Jennifer Ashworth, Sarah Swanepoel, Henk J. Kinch, Julianne Moffitt, Jenna. The Neuropsychologist November 2023 via NPsych

#NPsychPick of the Month: Applying EMDR therapy with clients who have impaired cognitive abilities, EMDR Therapy Quarterly, Summer 2023

#NPsychTeamResearch – Impact of Covid-19 lockdown for people with brain injury in the UK. Carlacci De Mattia, Campbell, Parrett. The Neuropsychologist April 2023 via NPsych

#NPsychPick of the Month: Use of smartphones and tablets after acquired brain injury to support cognition. Disabil. Rehabil.: Assist. Technol. April 2023

#NPsychTeamMedia: Dr Campbell on Breakfast Show – Voice of Islam Radio – impact of early deprivation on brain development – October 2022 via NPsych

#NPsychTeamResearch: Objects with motor valence affect the visual processing of human body parts: Evidence from behavioural and ERP studies. Lucilla C De Mattia. Cortex, Aug, 2022 via NPsych

#NPsychTeamResearch: The impact of Covid-19 and lockdown on the lives of people with TBI. Campbell & Parrett. The Neuropsychologist 11, 2021 via NPsych

Effectiveness of specialized rehabilitation after mild traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Rehabil Med. 2021 Jan. via NPsych

Living with Mild Brain Injury The Difficulties of Diagnosis and Recovery from Post-Concussion Syndrome By Pauline O’Connor. Routledge 2020 via NPsych

Psychological Perspectives in HIV Care: An Inter-Professional Approach. July 2020. Routledge books

Post-flight confusion: does flying affect the brain? BJPsych Intern, Feb, 2020

Efficacy of Postacute Neuropsychological Rehabilitation for Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries is Maintained in the Long-Term. J Int Neuropsych Soc, Jan 2020

Objective User Engagement With Mental Health Apps: Systematic Search and Panel-Based Usage Analysis. J Med Internet Res 2019

Estimated Life-Time Savings in the Cost of Ongoing Care Following Specialist Rehabilitation for Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in the United Kingdom. J Head Tr Rehab, 2019 August

Dr. Gianett Rands: #MeToo and Mental Health: Gender Parity in the Field of Psychiatry | OUPblog

NPsych Team Day 2019

The Power of Being Seen for Who You Are | tonijkent | Reg’s story

The incremental value of neuropsychological assessment: a critical review. Clin Neuropsychol 2019

Psychological Resilience as a Predictor of Symptom Severity in Adolescents With Poor Recovery Following Concussion. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2019

Structural and functional connectivity changes in response to short-term neurofeedback training with motor imagery. NeuroImage, 2019.

Effects of animal-assisted therapy on social behaviour in patients with acquired brain injury: a randomised controlled trial. Scientific Reports, 2019.

CCR5 Is a Therapeutic Target for Recovery after Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury. Cell, 2019

Helmet use in preventing acute concussive symptoms in recreational vehicle related head trauma. Brain Injury, 2019

Risk of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression in Civilian Patients After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury A TRACK-TBI Study. JAMA Psychiatry 2019

Sport-related Concussion Clinical Profiles: Clinical Characteristics, Targeted Treatments, and Preliminary Evidence. Curr Sports Med Rep 2019

Combining H-FABP and GFAP increases the capacity to differentiate between CT-positive and CT-negative patients with mild traumatic brain injury. PLoS ONE, 2019

Neuroscience of Virtual Reality: From Virtual Exposure to Embodied Medicine. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 2019

Improvements in Attention Following Cognitive Training With the Novel “Decoder” Game on an iPad. Front. Behav. Neurosci., 2019.

Traumatic Brain Injury and the Risk for Subsequent Crime Perpetration. Bonow, Wang, et al. J Head Trauma Rehabil 2019

Examining Predictors of Real-World User Engagement with Self-Guided eHealth Interventions: Analysis of Mobile Apps and Websites Using a Novel Dataset. J Med Internet Res 2018

Time for Change in Acquired Brain Injury. The Lancet, 2019

The Association between Post-Concussion Symptoms and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Injury, 2018

Women’s Voices in Psychiatry by Dr Gianetta Rands on Imperfect Cognitions blog

Efficacy of Interventions that Use Apps to Improve Diet, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour: A Systematic Review. IJBNPA, 2016

Traumatic Brain Injury in Early Childhood and Risk of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Nationwide Longitudinal Study. J Clin Psychiatry, 2018

Special Issue – Therapeutic Benefits of Physical Activity for Mood: A Systematic Review on the Effects of Exercise Intensity, Duration, and Modality. J Psychol, 2018

Direct Electrical Stimulation of Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex Acutely Improves Mood in Individuals with Symptoms of Depression

Perceived Post-traumatic Growth May Not Reflect Actual Positive Change: A Short-term Prospective Study of Relationship Dissolution

The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Workbook

The Surprisingly Powerful Influence of Drawing on Memory

Retrograde Personal Semantic Memory During Post-Traumatic Amnesia and Following Emergence

Mental Health Mobile Phone App Usage, Concerns, and Benefits Among Psychiatric Outpatients: Comparative Survey Study

Association of Concussion With the Risk of Suicide

Disorders of Consciousness due to Traumatic Brain Injury: Functional Status Ten Years Post-Injury

Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein as a Marker for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Neuropsychological Recovery Trajectories in Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Influence of Patient Characteristics and Diffuse Axonal Injury

Home Environment as a Predictor of Long-Term Executive Functioning following Early Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury

Subjective–Objective Sleep Discrepancy Is Associated With Alterations in Regional Glucose Metabolism in Patients With Insomnia and Good Sleeper Controls