New Insights into Social Development: How Infants Perceive Wealth

#NPsychPick of the Month: New Insights into Social Development: How Infants Perceive Wealth

A groundbreaking study by Arianne Eason et al. recently published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General delves into when and how infants begin to perceive wealth differences—and the behavioral changes that result. This research reveals the emergence of wealth-based biases as early as 15 months of age.

Key findings include:

  • Infants track wealth differences: By 15–18 months, children recognize cues of “rich” versus “poor” and exhibit a preference for wealthier individuals.
  • Behavior influenced by wealth cues: Across several experiments, toddlers were more likely to choose, help, and interact with actors perceived as wealthy.
  • Negative evaluations of poverty: Infants also linked negative attributes more readily to individuals with fewer resources, suggesting the emergence of evaluative biases.
  • Developmental timeline: Wealth-based biases were absent in younger infants (11–13 months), highlighting their developmental emergence during the second year of life.

From an evolutionary perspective, these findings might reflect adaptive strategies aimed at securing resources. However, they also underline how early societal inequalities can shape perceptions and interactions.

This research calls for critical reflection on how societal biases infiltrate developmental processes and the implications for fostering equity from an early age.

For further reading: Eason et al. (2024), The Haves and Have-Nots: Infants Use Wealth to Guide Social Behavior and Evaluation 👇🏽

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The Carers Way Ahead is a free web-based psychoeducation program to help families and carers learn how to respond in positive and helpful ways to challenging behaviours that their person with a brain injury may engage in.

#NPsychPick of the Month: Strategies to help families and carers manage challenging behaviour in their person with traumatic brain injury

Strategies to help families and carers manage challenging behaviour in their person with traumatic brain injury.

The Carers Way Ahead is a free web-based psychoeducation program to help families and carers learn how to respond in positive and helpful ways to challenging behaviours that their person with a brain injury may engage in.

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Efficacy of an Intensive Exposure Intervention for Individuals With Persistent Concussion Symptoms Following Concussion: A Concurrent Multiple Baseline Single-Case Experimental Design (SCED) Study.

#NPsychPick of the Month: Efficacy of an Intensive Exposure Intervention for Individuals With Persistent Concussion Symptoms Following Concussion: A Concurrent Multiple Baseline Single-Case Experimental Design Study

Efficacy of an Intensive Exposure Intervention for Individuals With Persistent Concussion Symptoms Following Concussion: A Concurrent Multiple Baseline Single-Case Experimental Design (SCED) Study.

King, Skye MSc; Stapert, Sven Z. PhD; Winkens, Ieke PhD; van der Naalt, Joukje PhD, MD; van Heugten, Caroline M. PhD; Rijkeboer, Marleen M. PhD

#NPsychPick of the Month



After a concussion, 1 in 3 patients report persistent symptoms and experience long-term consequences interfering with daily functioning, known as persistent concussion symptoms (PCS). Evidence suggests PCS is (partly) maintained by anxious thoughts about brain functioning, recovery, and experienced symptoms, leading to avoidance behaviors, which may prevent patients from meeting life demands. We aimed to investigate the efficacy of a newly developed intensive exposure intervention for individuals with PCS after concussion aimed to tackle avoidance behavior.


Participants took part in the intervention at the Maastricht University faculty.


Four participants who experienced PCS after concussion partook in the exploratory study. Participants’ age ranged between 20 and 32 (mean = 26.5, SD = 5.9) years, with an average length of time after the concussion of 9.8 months.


A concurrent multiple-baseline single-case design was conducted. The baseline period (A phase) length was randomly determined across participants (3, 4, 5, or 6 weeks). The exposure intervention (B phase) was conducted by psychologists over a 4-week period and consisted of 3 stages: exploration (2 sessions), active exposure (12 sessions conducted over 1 week), and 2 booster sessions.

Main Measures:

Participants answered daily questions on a visual analog scale related to symptom experience, satisfaction with daily functioning, and degree of avoidance of feared activities. Additional outcomes included symptom severity, catastrophizing, fear of mental activity, anxiety, depression, and societal participation.


Tau-U yielded significant effects (P < .05) for all participants on all measures when comparing baseline and intervention phases. The pooled standardized mean difference was high for all measures (symptom experience = 0.93, satisfaction of daily functioning = 1.86, and activity avoidance = −2.05).


The results show efficacy of the newly developed intensive exposure treatment for PCS after concussion, which is based on the fear avoidance model. Replication in a larger heterogeneous sample is warranted and needed.

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#NPsychPick of the Month: Developing an understanding of the Frontal Lobe Paradox through clinical group discussions. Copstick, Sue Turnbull, Lorraine Bobbie Tibbles, Jennifer Ashworth, Sarah Swanepoel, Henk J. Kinch, Julianne Moffitt, Jenna. The Neuropsychologist November 2023 via NPsych

The Neuropsychologist 16

Developing an understanding of the Frontal Lobe Paradox through clinical group discussions.

Copstick, Sue Turnbull, Lorraine Bobbie Tibbles, Jennifer Ashworth, Sarah Swanepoel, Henk J. Kinch, Julianne Moffitt, Jenna.

#NPsychPick of the Month


This discussion paper presents reflections from a group of clinical, forensic and neuropsychologists on their clinical caseloads in brain injury rehabilitation services at Cygnet Healthcare. These services specialise in working with people with coexisting mental health or behavioural difficulties where the work involves frequent staff discussions on interpreting an individual’s behaviour, considering its functions and whether it is part of an involuntary neuro-psychological disorder related to their brain injury, specifically the Frontal Lobe Paradox. Through consideration of six patients, the cognitive mechanisms that may relate to, or underlie apparent Frontal Lobe Paradox were highlighted. Several additional reasons were found to explain why people might show this paradox, including testing conditions, slowed processing, reduced attention, disinhibition, self-monitoring problems, and premorbid difficulties. The authors also discuss interventions, which could be used to support these individuals, with the aim of broadening clinical understanding and discussion surrounding the causes of, and treatment approaches for individuals presenting with potential Frontal Lobe Paradox.

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HCPC registered psychologists with expertise and experience in neurorehabilitation. We offer services such as neuropsychological assessment NPsych

#NPsychPick of the Month: Applying EMDR therapy with clients who have impaired cognitive abilities, EMDR Therapy Quarterly, Summer 2023

Neuro EMDR: Applying EMDR therapy with clients who have impaired cognitive abilities

Author: Dr Jonathan Hutchins Simon Proudlock

EMDR therapy has been shown to be highly effective and time efficient in addressing trauma memories in both adults and children. However, there are questions about how EMDR can be effective with adults who have experienced a brain injury or are experiencing other cognitive difficulties. This article summarises some of the recent research within the area and proposes adaptations to the standard protocol that can be made to make best use of EMDR therapy in this population.


Within the UK in 2019-2020 there were 356,669 UK admissions to hospital with acquired brain injury (ABI), or any brain injury that has occurred after birth including traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke or brain tumours, which is a 12% increase since 2005-2006 (Headway, 2023). In 2019, there were approximately 977 TBI admissions per day to UK hospitals, one every 90 seconds. The diagnostic criteria for TBI on the DSM V states that there must be an “impact to the head or other mechanisms of rapid movement or displacement of the brain within the skull with one or more of the following: loss of consciousness, posttraumatic amnesia, disorientation and confusion, neurological signs such as neuroimaging demonstrating injury or a worsening of a pre-existing seizure disorder” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

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#NPsychTeamResearch – Impact of Covid-19 lockdown for people with brain injury in the UK. Carlacci De Mattia, Campbell, Parrett. The Neuropsychologist April 2023 via NPsych

The Neuropsychologist 15: 40-51

Impact of Covid-19 lockdown on the mood, behaviour, and social activities of people with brain injury in the UK: Results of a survey of brain injury professionals’ reports




The Covid-19 related lockdown of March–June 2020 in the United Kingdom (UK) may have negatively affected mood and behaviour of people with brain injuries. Conversely, there may have been beneficial effects due to reduced demand on cognition and emotional regulation. In this online survey study, care coordinators (n=19) assessed the consequences of lockdown on 130 individuals with ABI (range 3–29 clients per care co-ordinator; 10–65years+; and mostly living in residential care). The majority of reports were of no change to mood, behaviour, or social functioning (105 ratings). However, respondents reported that 88 (68 per cent) clients presented with changes: 63 clients (48 per cent) had lower mood, higher distress, and agitation, and were less engaged in usual activities; while 25 clients (19 per cent) were reported to have improved. Moreover, 13/19 (68 per cent) of respondents reported increased vulnerabilities in their clients, and 5/19 (26 per cent) reported online exploitation, controlling behaviour from partner and financial scams. These data present a mixed picture of how the first national lockdown affected people with ABI.

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#NPsychPick of the Month: Use of smartphones and tablets after acquired brain injury to support cognition. Disabil. Rehabil.: Assist. Technol. April 2023

NPsych Pick of the Month: April 2023

Use of smartphones and tablets after acquired brain injury to support cognition

Journal: Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 2023


To describe the use of mobile devices after acquired brain injury (ABI), from the perspectives of injured individuals and significant others, and to examine factors associated with mobile device use for cognition.


Cross-sectional study with 50 adults with moderate/severe traumatic brain injury or stroke (42% women; mean of 50.7 years old, 4.6 years post-ABI), and 24 significant others. Participants completed questionnaires on mobile technology, cognitive functioning and the impact of technology.


Of 45/50 adults with ABI who owned a smartphone/tablet, 31% reported difficulties in using their device post-injury, 44% had received support, and 46% were interested in further training. Significant others reported motor/visual impairments and the fear of becoming dependent on technology as barriers for mobile device use, and 65% mentioned that their injured relative needed additional support. Mobile device use for cognition was common (64%), predicted in a regression model by lower subjective memory and more positive perception of the psychosocial impacts of technology, and also associated in univariate analyses with younger age, lower executive functioning, and greater use of memory strategies.


Using mobile devices for cognition is common post-ABI but remains challenging for a significant proportion. Developing training approaches may help supporting technology use.


  • Using mobile electronic devices (smartphones and tablets) is common after acquired brain injury (ABI) but is challenging for a significant proportion of individuals.

  • After the ABI, close to 50% of individuals receive support in using their mobile device, mostly from family members and friends, but rarely from rehabilitation clinicians or technology specialists.

  • In a sample of 50 adults with ABI, more frequent use of mobile devices to support cognition was associated with poorer subjective memory and executive functioning, greater use of memory strategies, more positive perception of the psychosocial impacts of technology, and younger age.

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#NPsychTeamMedia: Dr Campbell on Breakfast Show – Voice of Islam Radio – impact of early deprivation on brain development – October 2022 via NPsych

NPsych Pick of the Month: October 2022

Voice of Islam radio invited our clinician Dr Tomás Campbell to participate in a radio interview about the impact of early deprivation on brain development.

Dr Tomás Campbell

Voice of Islam Radio: Breakfast Show Podcast 28-10-2022. The interview starts at about 1 hour 20 min into the show.

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#NPsychTeamResearch: Objects with motor valence affect the visual processing of human body parts: Evidence from behavioural and ERP studies. Lucilla C De Mattia. Cortex, Aug, 2022 via NPsych

NPsych Pick of the Month, April 2021: The impact of Covid-19 and lockdown on the lives of people with traumatic brain injury: Do we need an increased focus on the assessment and enhancement of resilience? Campbell and Parrett. NPsych. The Neuropsychologist, 11, 2021.

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